IFACC launches 2023 Market Report
In the second edition of the IFACC annual Market Report, IFACC-aligned products that have been brought to market in 2023 and opportunities to scale these disbursements are highlighted. Also new in 2023, was the expansion of IFACC’s scope to include agroforestry and non-timber forest products, the report presents the first series of impact results from these products.
IFACC was launched in 2021 with the collective goal of reaching USD 1 billion in disbursements for the agricultural transition in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Chaco biomes by the end of 2025. IFACC is working to support companies, banks, and investors to accelerate lending and investment in models that can grow the production of beef, soy, and other commodities without further deforestation and conversion of natural vegetation.
Read the full report here, with AGRI3 featuring on pages 24 and 25